
Hello and welcome to my blog, I am glad you are here !
Let me introduce myself:
I am Katie, a thirty-something girl living with my husband our two little girls and our Jack Russel Chloe in a house near Regensburg in Germany. We moved in there in the Spring of 2016 and made our selves really comfortable (but it took some time).

I started my blog because I love to be creative and this is a way to show my ideas with as many of my readers as possible. I love to create different styles and I am very interested in fashion. I do like trendy pieces as much as the classics and mixing and matching them to get new and unique looks to share is always so much fun. Fashion is way more than just a pile of clothes. It is a way to express yourself , how you feel and how you like to be noticed by others and nowadays it is as present as ever. 


Although I think style is for free and a sense for fashion and combining pieces is priceless I am all about affordable fashion and accessories. You can find great quality in every price range.


There are some quotes of designer luminaries which describe the theme pretty good:
Coco Chanel – „Every day is a fashion show and the world is the runway“
Yves Saint Laurent – „Dressing is a way of life“
Besides fashion I am a coffee lover, a total handbag addict (might have gotten this from my aunt) and an admirer of all things pretty. I can´t live without glitter and glamour cause I think in the right amount it makes life way sparklier. Dressing well has always been very important to me and I would rather be overdressed than anything else. Of course this has gotten less cause I am mostly at home with my two girls and chasing after a toddler is way easier if you aren´t wearing high heels, but I am still taking up every ocassion to wear a pair of my pretty shoes.
My favorite season is Fall and my favorite holiday definitely is Christmas. There is just something so exciting starting with Fall every year. I can not describe it. It is this sentimental feeling I am getting when the leaves change color, the hot chocolates are temperature appropriate to sip and the cool breeze is sweeping through the lands. Also Fall brings out the prettiest color in nature. Christmas is the most whimsical holiday of all and I have always loved but now it is extra special sharing this season with little children.
Since we moved into our house I am totally into home decor and Pinterest was/is a great help for inspiration. I have revealed our house room by room (everything is linked in the house category) and have also redecorated some of them already. Also I have so many ideas my husband will get a mild panic attack when he sees me walking around with a tape measure 😉
I am mainly posting about fashion and this will stay this way. I have done tons of maternity outfits while pregnant and now I am blogging mostly mom friendly styles but of course I still love to dress up and will share as well. I have started a #reallifestyle series a while back to share my everyday looks and there are plenty already to draw inpso from. 
I try to post about 3 to 5 times a week but sometimes it just won´t work with everyting else that is going on.
If you have any questions or you just would like to chat feel free to contact me via e-mail at kati1990neu@googlemail.com.

Have fun browsing through my blog and collecting some inspiration.

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Wear My Fashion Mag


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