Easter Basket Ideas for Little Kids (Age 2)…


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Putting together gift baskets is a favorite of mine especially since having Emilia. Finding cute little kids gifts is so much fun and she is always so happy and excited when she gets a basket for a holiday.

So since Easter is next week already I am in full force preparing Easter content for you and this post might be one of my favorites so far. We don´t want to go overboard for Emilia´s Easter presents cause it was her birthday a week ago and she got so so many gifts plus in my opinion it should have good size to hide outside.

What to put into a kids Easter basket

I always try to add as many different things as possible to my baskets so for Emilia´s Easter basket I went with a bunch of cute little things:

Sidewalk chalk // This might be super fun for Spring and Summer. She loves to draw and paint and this way our little artist can draw outside as well.

Stuffed bunny // A little bunny is a must in my opinion so I got her this cute little fellow. It is super soft and so sweet.

Easter books // Emilia loves books. Any kind of book she goes crazy about so I went with these two Easter themed books she will really enjoy.

Chocolate lamb // Of course we need some chocolate for Easter. I am not going to fill the eggs for our Easter egg hunt with chocolate so this little pink lamb will have to do the trick.

Peter Rabbit Tonie // Listening to music or stories on our Tony box is always a huge hit. A Easter themed Tony like Peter Rabbit who is telling all the stories of the characters from the Peter Rabbit Easter book I got her last year will hopefully be as cute as the book and bring some Easter spirit.

Doll clothes and sleep sack // Emilia has become a real doll „mom“ recently and loves to care for all of her dolls so I got her a sleep sack to put her favorite doll to sleep as well as a surpise egg with an outfit for one of her little dolls.

Easter themed cookies // I have found these little carrot shaped cookies at our local drug store and thought they would be great to fit the theme and also a great alternative for chocolate.

Other things which are great to add are little figurines from Schleich, Duplo or Playmobil 123 or clothes. For Spring themed things are really nice as well as pieces for swimming. Sandbox toys are also always a big hit. 

Are you already done prepping for Easter or are you still looking for the perfect pieces for your kids Easter baskets ? The basket I am using here is the same I have used for the Valentine´s Day things. I got it from an Etsy shop. You can order it here.
