Gift Guide for Him….

Hi guys

for me giving presents to other people makes me almost more happy than receiving some. I like to pick out things I think they could be perfect for the gifted one. I also like to wrap that stuff up with pretty wrapping paper and glitterng ribbons.

I always get excited to pick out presents for my honey because there are lots of things which come to my mind I think he could probably like.
So here is a little gift guide to help you to get some ideas for your man at home or even your dad or your uncle or brother….

What would you prefer to gift ?
 Do you have any other ideas ?
Take care. See you. Love K.

Gift Guide: Affordable Presents all under 10 Euros….

Hi guys

as Christmas is coming closer and we are looking out for presents now there are so many different items we could gift. And as we usually want to give a present to each of our beloved persons there are many gifts to get.

Here are some presents proven by myself which make great gifts without breaking the bank.

Scent lamp  – Nanu Nana
Scents – Nanu Nana
Small Candle holders – DM online not available
Calendar 2017 – Nanu Nana (similar here)
Notebook – Nanu Nana online not available
Essence make-up pouch – DM
Original source shower gel set – DM
Treaclemoon shower gel set – DM
Box – Nanu Nana
Gift Bag – Nanu Nana

Those are all pretty nice gifts to give away or to keep them all by yourself…
However you like it. Now have a nice weekend and go out there shopping for presents 🙂

Thanks for stopping by.

Take care. See you. Love K.
