How to find affordable art for your home…

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affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon


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It has been over three years now since we moved into our house and I have to admit we are near crossing the finishing line (yes, it took me this long) on remodelling and decorating and furnishing. I re-did room after room and it took me a while to find out what I wanted for each of the rooms. The house was ready as we moved in but we didn´t like all of the wall colors so we first had to paint and then move on with decorative bricks or wallpaper or art.

Art itself is a difficult theme to talk about cause it somehow is like style. You see pictures or paintings you will like and a lot you will dislike. What your friends think looks amazing might creep you out and vice versa. And another huge factor in terms of art is the price. If you want to have an original hand painted piece it can cost you up to thousands of Euros (or even more) and who can or wants to spend so much money?! I am sharing an affordable way on how to decorate your walls with pieces you love for an affordable price. All you have to do is find what you like and be a little creative.

Places to look for art

Ikea // Let´s start with the easiest place and that would be Ikea for me. Simply because you walk in and choose what you like and leave. Most of their pieces are already framed or canvases but they also have different kind of pictures without a frame and a huge section with all shapes and color of frames so you can get creative on your own. I got my Jamea Dean and Audrey Hepburn cavases from Ikea and love them a lot. They are a classic piece in color and print and will match everywhere around the house.

Amazon // Another place to look for prints, pictures, paintings is amazon. I got my „Prada Marfa“ canvas from amazon and I absolutely love it. It is hanging above my makeup table and totally completes my little beauty corner. 

Etsy // And last but definitely not boring and with the most choices – the Etsy market place. I love to browse all of their downloadable pictures cause so I get them right away and can decide which kind of frame and size I like. It is the perfect way to customize your picture.

What kind of art do you prefer in your home? Does it have to be rare and exclusive or do you combine personal photos with modern prints.

As always thanks for stopping by. Take care. See you.

