Space Saving Ways to store your Child´s Board Games and Puzzles….


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I just love a great organization hack but to be honest this wasn´t really necessary until it was. I have a very cute little toddler who obviously loves to play the floor is lava and she used all of our board game and puzzle boxes to set up her game and jump from box to box. She not only slipped and fell but also destroyed all the cardbord boxes to a maximum so it was time for a solution. 

Space Saving Ways to store your Child´s Board Games and Puzzles

I have used these mesh bags for years now for different things to store. The girl´s birthday keepsake, documents, pencils and books for restaurant visits and now also our puzzles and games.

The mesh bags are available in 3 sizes and I have used all of them this time. I cut out the front of the cardbord boxes where you can see which game or puzzle it is and I also include the manual of the games. I is super easy to organize and also very space saving. We now have so much more space without the bulky boxes plus it is easy to open and close for the girls. 

Easy but very effective hacks. The mesh bags are from SheIn and super affordable as well. You can shop them here.


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Kati R. (@madame_schischi)

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