Space Saving Ways to store your Child´s Board Games and Puzzles….


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I just love a great organization hack but to be honest this wasn´t really necessary until it was. I have a very cute little toddler who obviously loves to play the floor is lava and she used all of our board game and puzzle boxes to set up her game and jump from box to box. She not only slipped and fell but also destroyed all the cardbord boxes to a maximum so it was time for a solution. 

Space Saving Ways to store your Child´s Board Games and Puzzles

I have used these mesh bags for years now for different things to store. The girl´s birthday keepsake, documents, pencils and books for restaurant visits and now also our puzzles and games.

The mesh bags are available in 3 sizes and I have used all of them this time. I cut out the front of the cardbord boxes where you can see which game or puzzle it is and I also include the manual of the games. I is super easy to organize and also very space saving. We now have so much more space without the bulky boxes plus it is easy to open and close for the girls. 

Easy but very effective hacks. The mesh bags are from SheIn and super affordable as well. You can shop them here.


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Help me organize my bathroom cabinet…


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I would say we have a lot of storage in our bathroom but this also means if there is no organization it takes up a lot of space in a cabinet if you always just throw stuff in there and then close the door. 

My husband and I both have an extra bathroom cabinet (but his holds our cleaning supplies as well cause let´s be honest – he doesn´t need that much space). I recently was getting something for him out of his cabinet cause he asked me to and oh boy!!!! I could not live that way and this definitely has to change.

He is on board nevertheless so let´s start with sorting out, cleaning and then organize (my favorite part).

How to organize a bathroom cabinet 

There are many different things you can get to organize a cabinet but I have four things that work for most cabinet spaces and also make a huge difference.

Maximize Space

This acrylic stair shelf I have added to the top is amazing to maximize space. You use the height you have left to place your items. You can store at least twice as many things and you are also able to see the things in the back cause they stick out. 

Build Order

If you have the possibility to get yourself one of those dividers use it. I highly recommend dividing several things like toiletry bags cause the look very cluttery when they are lying around on top of each other. 

Add Levels

Drawers are a great storage solution for things you don´t need as often like charger or maybe a razor. 



Toddler Art Cart Organization….


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I have shared our art corner in our living room years ago and since we have moved everything into our playroom (reveal coming soon) we have added lots and lots of things to it. I have rearranged it several times but I think it finally looks good the way it is (might change my opinion in a little bit but for now it is all right, also this always depends on what art and crafts materials we have at the moment).

Art Cart Organization

We have the Ikea Rashult cart and it has the perfect size for all of our stuff. It has three stories and we have hanging container on one side to so it holds a lot of stuff.

The hanging container are also from Ikea but you can buy them on amazon or Temu as well. 

Organizing has always been my thing but to be honest it is hard with two small children but definitely manageable. So let´s start with the top storey. I have a little wooden divider (it can be also used for mail or clutches) and I have put all of our sticker and drawing books in there. We have a bunch and this ways we can finally see what we got. 

On the middle storey I have another divider to hold different kinds of papers/sheets. We also have felt sheets and foam rubber sheets here as well as sticker and a little basket for loose sticker and our googly eyes.

You can find all the small things on the lower level like washi tapes, erasers is cute shapes, stencils and anything else that could find a place in an art cart. 

I have got the golden letters on the hanging bins from amazon and it definitely helps to clean up faster and easier when you know where stuff goes. 




Kitchen Organization – Pots, Pans and Junk Drawer….



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Eveyone has it, the most feared drawer in your home- the junk drawer. It is placed mainly in the kitchen, some have another one in their office. We had three in our kitchen and I hated them. Some item was always blocking the drawer so we could almost never open it properly. That get´s the most of me when I need access to get something and am stuck and probably breaking my nail by trying to enter it.

Now this is the past in our household. I conquered the junk drawer and organized the heck out of them, got rid of crap and also ordered little helper from amazon.

Drawer Organization

Pan Organization


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Little storage compartments / pan holder

