Cutest Amazon Fall Decor Finds to buy now…


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Happy first day of fall, y´all !!! Today marks the first day of the best season of the year. We are going to have a busy time ahead of us with lots of holiday decor and festivities.

I wanted to share this whole list of amazon Fall decor cause it will sell out fast like it does every year. Ordering early is key here. You can go classic bright orange or you do a neutral color theme with beige, gold and green. 

The table runner is currently sitting on our dining room table and it is a nice chance to my usual orange 




Amazon Fall Decor



How to add that Wild West Flair to your Living Room…


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I love home deocr. It is my second passion after fashion and I love to change the decor in our home but mostly just swap out some pieces to keep it fitting into my main decor theme.

Lately I have been loving anyhting Western or Wild West themed and I wanted to incorporate more of this up and coming trend into my living room style.

How to add some Western Chic to your Living Room


The first materials that come to my mind are leather, cow hide, denim and wood. 



There are several pattern I have loved and I would also try to incorporate. Of course everything in moderation to give it that Wild West flair. It can look tacky pretty quick. First of all a cow spots pattern is a classic. Another pattern but very underrated and often not thought about is a native american pattern (hopefully I am not offending anyone but I just didn´t know how else to call it). Horses of course are amazing.


I would say the typical colors to incorporate are hues of brown from wood and horses, dark orange form the stones, dark green from the little fresh trees which are left, turquoise from the lakes and skies and beige from the pampas grass. 



I would guess that there wasn´t much greenery in the Wild West so we go with pampas grass here, as well as cactuses.

Typical Wild West Pieces

I´d say a cow skull or buffallo somewhere on a picture or as a sculpture. 


So this is how our living room looks at the moment. I am very pleased how it has turned out. I have always loved the Western theme and movies, colors and clothes so it was about time to add this little decor changes to our home.


Toddler Halloween Tea Party…



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With Halloween coming closer day by day and Emilia at an age where she is able to understand what happens I wanted to explain this festivity to her but since most of it are way to scary, bloddy or else I decided to go with a cute Halloween Tea Party appropriate for a toddler.

I have found this adorable childrens plate set on amazon and thought this would be a great starting point from where I can build up my Halloween Tea Party table setting. The cute colors hit the right spot as well since we are in a total pink and blush phase at the moment plus kittens are always a good choice with Emilia.

The coffee table was the perfect size for the set up. The right height and not to small or too big. To add some drama (cause I love a dramatic setting) I went with an all black sequin table cloth we also used for Emilia´s Minnie Mouse birthday party. Some other spooky elements I loved were the bat balloon, the little ghosts, the black candles and the adorable checkered pumpkin.

Are you celebrating Halloween with your little ones in any way ??



Shared Girl´s Room – Peony Wallpaper and Blush Walls….



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I have been dying to finally share this room with you. I envisioned how it could look long before I knew that we were going to have a second girl. It turned out even better than I thought and it is definitely my favorite room of the house.  We are spending our mornings and evenings in the girl´s room and it is just amazing at how much love you can put into a single room. 

The Girl´s Shared Room

Color Theme

When thinking about the color theme for a girls room pink immediately comes to my mind. I wanted to dial it down a bit and went with a light blush shade. It is super subtle and on the cooler side. The main colors of the wallpaper are rose, blush and olive green. A few wooden and gold accents round up the whole room.

The Wallpaper

The lead piece of the shared girl´s room is the peonies wallpaper. I have looked for a flower wallpaper everywhere and found the one of my dreams on Wayfair. It has been quite expensive but it will probably stay until they move out plus it ties the room toghether perfectly and even my husband loves it. He usually doesn´t care about decor and „stuff“ like that. From here on I went with a soft blush wall color for all of the walls. You can have a look at the before of the nursery here. 

After that all I had to do was to find matching pieces. The curtains have been the easiest pieces cause the lenght was just right and the color matches perfectly with the leaves in the wallpaper. These are also blackout curtains I use during the day. We have shutters for the night.


All of the furniture we have in the girls room is from Ikea. Literally everything. I personally love Ikea and think the furniture is pretty good and affordable. Also we probably change it up every few years since the girls are still growing. 

The cribs we have are the same cause I wanted to have a symmetrical look on the wallpaper wall. In the middle of the two cribs is a small shelf where I put some cute nursery decor as well as keepsake pieces, gifts and photos from the girls.

To store all the clothing and all the other things we need for the girls we have two closets. One for the clothes and one for all the other things. In the middle of these two there is the changing station. It is the Hemnes changing station and the same we used with Emilia. I have added some new things like the wooden storage options and paper boxes as well as a mobile. Helena loves the mobile on the changing station and laughs at it all the time. It is the cutest thing.

This will always be my favorite room watching my girls grow up and play and hopefully have the best relationship toghether. 

Ikea Furniture:

Changing Table Sundvik / Cribs Sundvik / Closet left side Billy / Closet right side Pax 

