How to „at home date nights“ no. 1 – baking pizza together…

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up

date night, baking pizza, at home date night, at home, pandemic, dressing up


Good evening ladies, 

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welcome to my new series – how to „at home date nights“. I have called this series to life because we are in another lookdown and also we weren´t able to go to a restaurant since November. It just sucks that you have no where to go and a lot of people I know are getting really sad. 

I am one of them, missing the easiest things of life. Going out for dinner, or to a movie or to play billiard or meet with friends. None of it is possible and I think it won´t be possible for a great amount of time.

Anyways, today is episode one and I am sharing a very easy but oh so great thing to do together. Cooking together. I mean everyone must eat so why not share the task. We love to cook together. It is our time to talk and recap our day and / or plan things together.

So why not make pizza. Everybody loves pizza and making it from scratch was a lot easier than I though. I have a love / hate relationship with yeast so take this from me – it was super easy t make the dough. 

For the recipe you need one block of yeast (if you only have dry yeast use two packages), a pinch of salt and sugar, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 500 gr. of flour.

Crumble the yeast into 250 ml of warm water, add the pinch of salt and sugar, stir it up and let it sit for about 15 minutes.

Put the flour and olive oil into a bowl, add the water – yeast mixture into it and kneed the dough until it is smooth. For about 5 to 10 minutes. Now put it back into the bowl and let it rise at a warm place for about an hour.

The dough is enough for two pizzas. Now you have time to chat and choose / prepare the ingredients you want to have on your pizza.

Put them in the oven for about15 minutes at 190 degrees. Pour yourself and your spouse a glass of wine while waiting. 

It is a great way to spend time together and dressing up for your significant other wouldn´t hurt either. It is all about making an effort after spending your weeks in sweats.


We are married…..

Good morning guys,
I finally came around to share a little sneak peak on our wedding day and some photos we already have.

Everything really was perfect – the day, the dress, the flowers of course my groom and also the weather which I didn´t expect after all the different forecasts.

We had our wedding ceremony at the town hall at 11:30 a.m. so we needed to get up pretty early to get ready. My hair appointment was at 07:30 a.m. and the bridesmaid followed after which gave me plenty of time to do my make-up (yes I did my make-up on my own, I figured this would also work for me if it worked for the Duchess of Cambridge). Our photographer came around 10:00 a.m. and we took lots of cute getting ready pics in our matching robes. After that we got dressed and ready to go. The first look was outside of our house and I couldn´t wait for Florian to see me and my stunning dress. I think it looked absolutely stunning. 

After the ceremony we left for taking picutres with our photographer, my dad who drove the wedding car and of course Chloe.

Our photographer picked out such a beautiful place for our picutres. A whimsical place with lots of trees, fog and a stunning view.

We got to our reception about half an hour later than our guests – the Hesperidengarden – and the sun was with us. It was absolutely beautiful. All the pretty flower arrangements, well dressed guests and the best food. I impatiently waited for our wedding cake (we had a delicious passionfruit filling) and after that the night was a pretty blur and over so quickly. The dinner was divine and our band was the best and nicest I have seen in quite a while. There was lots of celebrating and laughing and talking and everyone was dancing (even my old grandmother twisted on the floor) and enjoying theirselves. If I had to do it all over I wouldn´t change a thing at all as it has been THE perfect day and night. 

Thank you all for your wishes and congratulations on our big day. We really appreciate it.

And as always thanks for stopping by.