Girl´s Room Christmas Decor and Pink Christmas Tree…


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I just love Christmas decor. No doubt about that. For me it is the most magical time of the year and now that we have two girls who are excited about all things Christmas, glitter and lights it is even more fun.

We have had a little pink Christmas tree for a couple years but to be honest it has outgrown the amount of ornaments we have collected so it was time for an upgrade. The tree I have gotten is 150 cm high and fits perfect into the girls room. Of course it had to be a pink tree and most of the ornamnets are pink or blush as well. 

For the last two years we made it our tradition to go to the store and let the girl´s choose two or three ornaments for their tree. This is a thing I cherish so much cause they are so happy to do this every year. 

Where to get cute and affordable ornaments

I have looked all over the place to get some more ornaments and I have found lots of cute at local stores like Bauhaus or Tedi but I also ordered a bunch from SheIn.

You can shop the pink tree here, the candy ornaments here, the candy canes here, the glittery snowflakes here.

Most of the shelf decor is from Sinsay and isn´t it so so cute. From what I have seen the overall Christmas trend this year has been Christmas Candyland which is perfect for a girl´s room with all the pastel hues and delicious figurines.

Doughnut Tree / Blush Cushion Tree / Bottle Brush Tree / Gingerbread House / Christmas Houses
