Emilia´s 3 Months Update…

baby girl, baby update, 3 months update, baby fashion, Madame Schischi, denim overall

baby girl, baby update, 3 months update, baby fashion, Madame Schischi, denim overall

baby girl, baby update, 3 months update, baby fashion, Madame Schischi, denim overall

baby girl, baby update, 3 months update, baby fashion, Madame Schischi, denim overall

baby girl, baby update, 3 months update, baby fashion, Madame Schischi, denim overall


Hi you guys,

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it is Emilia´s three months update today – a little later than the other ones I have already posted – I mean she is already four months in 10 days but better late than never am I right?

So what has changed or what is new. She has the sweetest spirit which isn´t quite new but I just can´t get over it how cute she is and how sweet she is to everyone who laughs at her. She always laughs back and is super smiley when she wakes up and sees us first in the morning.

To this date Emilia is sleeping quite through the night which means the first time she wakes up to feed is around six or six thirty in the morning and that is amazing. I get up once at night to pump but other than that I can sleep through the night.

She started to grab things initially for the last two weeks and as hard as it was in the beginning she is getting better by the day. Her favorite toys are a little squishy ball and a rattle with a jellyfish on top.

Her pacifier is another one of her favorite things. She uses it a lot more frequently than in month one or two. Maybe because she loves to have her hands in her mouth too at this stage and this is close to feeling things.

We use the Philips Avent pacifieres cause they are the only ones she can use without covering her nose as the area between her mouth and nose is so small.

Her last docotors appointment was last week and she has become pretty large. She now meassures 66 cm and weighs about 8,5 kg. The size of her clothing at the moment is a 68 which is for 4-6 months so she is a little ahead but to be honest I am not surprised as my husband and his whole family are big people.

So that´s it for month 3. I will report back in about two weeks what´s new. 


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