Hi guys
there is no better color for me than red. I always liked this one and I am always gonna will. 
It works with almost every other color and pops of red in an outfit do make it special.
Of course it is no surprise for you that I am insisting on having at least two pairs of red shoes in my closet.
So here are some of my latest order – guess which ones I kept 🙂
 Sandals against Pointed Heels with straps

Buffalo Sandals in a darker red tone 

Anna Field


Pier One

I am wishing you all a happy friday and I had been so looking forward to this weekend….

The European Championship start today in Paris. I hope is is gonna be a safe time for everybody.
Germany is playing their first game on Sunday evening – 
and tomorrow I am attending a wedding with my honey of his cousin.
Take care. See you. Love K.

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