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This has been the worst week of the whole year. We all got the flu one after another (except our littlest baby) and let me tell you I have never been so sick so quick. In the matter of an hour I went down for about two days of only sleeping and feeling the worst. All I did was sleep and nure my baby but that was it. So glad my husband was already on the mend and could look after the children.
I am quite sure we got this from the Kindergarten cause there are all kinds of different viruses spreading at the moment. This is always such a indecisive time for me. Do I leave her at home cause of all the germs and sickness going round and she misses fun and playtime with her friends or do I send her there and we will eventually all get sick. There may be no right or wrong I guess.
MONDAY – I have made chicken noodle soup cause the girls and my husband have been sick the last couple of days and a homemade chicken broth always helps.
TUESDAY – We had been pretty busy with looking after our sick kids and maintaining a somewhat clean house so we got take-out: turkey legs and potatoe salad.
WEDNESDAY – Leftovers it was.
THURSDAY – My husband finally started to feel normal again so I made cevapici and potatoes. I love oven cooked potatoes. If it was my decision I would only cook potatoes this way. Sliced very thin so they will get very crispy and only spiced with salt and pepper and some olive oil
FRIDAY – Rice pudding always makes me feel better when I am sick and since this was my worst day I made us some rice pudding. Usually it is made with raisins but I hate these so much so we eat it plain with some cinnamon or applesauce.
SATURDAY – Beef stew with potatoes is my other comfort food. Everything is great – the texture, the taste and it is very easy to make. Just add some minced meat and potatoes, tomatoe sauce and all the spices you like. Put it into the slow cooker on low for 4 hours and then get ready to eat. Delicious.
SUNDAY – Lots of leftovers cause we didn´t eat much the whole week and had lots of different food sitting in our fridge.
It hasn´t been the most fashion active week but before I went down and slept all the time I had quite the fashionable moments.
We went on a few walks to get some fresh air but other than that our whole week was spent on the sofa. At the end of the week the girls felt way better so they played lots of Barbie and Playmobil together.
I have noticed that the first plants are starting to bloom. Spring is not my favorite season but I am definitely impatiently awaiting warmer temperatures and sunshine.
Quote of the Week
„Action speaks louder than words“