Birth Story of Emilia…

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

birth story, mommy and me, pink blush maternity, birth announcement, girl mom

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Hello and happy Monday to my lovely readers,

I am finally sharing my birth story on my blog today. I was not sure if I wanted to since it is such a private thing but to be honest nothing bad happens and I also love reading other women´s birth stories so here we go plus I also don´t want to forget about it.

The first signs of labor appeared on the evening at the 26th of March. At about 08:30 pm I started to notice cramping. I wasn´t sure if it they were Braxton Hicks contractions as I had those earlier already so I went upstairs and took a shower cause everything else but real contractions fade with the heat of the water.

After getting out of the shower I was pretty positive that this was actual labor but I still wanted to wait some time before I told my husband cause I wanted to be sure. So I shaved my legs and got my hair done to be hospital ready and also got some comfortable clothes I could wear to the hospital. It was about 11 pm as my husband went upstairs so I told him cause at this point I was pretty sure as the pain was rising with the hour.

My midwife suggested to stay at home as long as possible which meant as long as the pain was somehow toleratable cause it is easier to distract yourself. So I made myself some yoghurt and watched a few episodes of the Big Bang Theory, I also finished packing my hospital bag. Meanwhile my husband went to sleep to get in some hours before we would go to the hospital.

I got a contraction tracker on my phone and after tracking them for some hours I woke up my husband at around 2 in the night cause I wasn´t feeling comfortable anymore and wanted to get to the hospital to have someone look at my baby cause I was afraid she was going to be in distress.

We checked in to labor and delivery at about 2:30 am and I got hooked up on the monitors, they made and ultrasound and layed me an IV. I was dilated about 2 cm at this time so I was preparing myself for a long labor.

At some point (about 5 am) I was in so much pain I wanted to have some pain medication but I was already dilated to 9 cm so it would not even help until the baby was born. So I had to have an unmedicated birth. 

To be honest the pain was managable but the pressure pulling down was on a whole other level. To be honest it was hell and the contractions came so close I didn´t even have much time to recover. I am still wondering how I did not break my husbands hand. For my next child I am definitely getting an epidural rather sooner than later.

My water broke around 7 am and after an hour of pushing our baby girl was born at 8:19 am on the 27th of March after a total of about 12 hours of labor. She made on short cry and fell aspleep right after. My husband cut the umbilical cord and the midwife laid her right onto my chest for skin on skin were she first things first peed. 

I had a second degree tear so I had to be sewn up while she was taken away to be cleaned and meassured. 

The moment she came into our life was one of the most incredible moments of my life but somehow unbelievable. I mean I knew that there was a baby growing inside of me but to actually see her after all the months I have waited was so surreal there are still some times I look at her now I can not believe she was actually growing inside of me.

Experiencing labor was hard. It was a pain on another level I have not expected but it was so very worth it. And another amazing thing I noticed was that the pain immediately stopped after she was here. That is so fascinating.

Now we are enjoying every little moment with our sweet baby girl. 

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