Instagram Round-Up November…

instagram, instagram round-up, November round-up, November, fashion, beauty, lifestyle

Emilia´s baptism – read full post here


instagram, instagram round-up, November round-up, November, fashion, beauty, lifestyle

beach waves tool – amazon


instagram, instagram round-up, November round-up, November, fashion, beauty, lifestyle

my favorite holiday drink Toffe Nut Latte


instagram, instagram round-up, November round-up, November, fashion, beauty, lifestyle

beanie SheIn


instagram, instagram round-up, November round-up, November, fashion, beauty, lifestyle

beanie – amazon

instagram, instagram round-up, November round-up, November, fashion, beauty, lifestyle

cardigan is from Gap last season / similar here and here


instagram, instagram round-up, November round-up, November, fashion, beauty, lifestyle

boots Ugg via amazon / sweater amazon


Happy December you guys,

(post contains affiliate links/Werbung/Markennennung/Beitrag enthält Affiliate Links-not sponsored)

I can´t believe the last month of the year is here and to be honest it hasn´t gotten any better in terms of Corona and it probably won´t be better again ´till next Spring. 

Although I am done with all my Christmas shopping and decorationg the house and that gives me a huge boost in terms of creativity and my overall happy being. 

There aren´t as many pictures as I had in my last Instagram round-ups because we have been in light lockdown which lasted all through November and will go until the middle of January without further notice. 

What are your thoughts on our current situation as well as on December being here already? I would love to hear more about it.

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