Hi guys
today a quick post about some of my latest jewelry favorites I found at my local H&M store:

First of all I gotta talk about the bracelet it is a semicircle with two round endings. A small golden circle and a bigger one in a kind of ceramic white.
I think those are matching earrings to the bracelet. Not in shape but in colors. It also has this golden frame and the withe ceramic color. I like them a lot. They look so great to white dresses and suntanned skin.
The next ones (also earrings, I am kinda obsessed with earrings like forever) are golden with rhinestones and the endings look like Little feathers. Such a cleopatra style in my opinion , she could have worn those.
These ones are also great : golden and blue. Love the golden color for summer anyways
– they are very long like chandeliers and great for long dresses or gorgeous fluffy tops. Makes a special look. I really love those long earrings, but only the thin and light ones. Don´t want to get so long earlobes.
This one is such a great necklace for normal looking shirts or tops or dresses. It creates a sudden glamour factor. Always been looking for a white and Pearly necklace but this one is so awesome.
And last, but not least – earrings again.
They are little flowers in an apricot rose color. They are totally soft and move with the wind. Really cute if you wear them to shirts with flower applications.
All of those jewelry pieces are still available and the most are currently on sale.
Keep looking forward for more statement pieces.
Take care. See you.