Outfit: Stripes and Pink….

Hi guys

I always loved skirts and dresses. I had been like this since I was a little girl – maybe it was because of all the Disney princesses. And I even more love them wearing in fall cause I can pair all the nice sheer and patterned tights with them. In my opinion it looks way better and as we are in the middle of fall I got this super cute outfit post for you. I had worn this outfit earlier and I loved it. Do you know the feeling when you think you are wearing a perfect outfit ?! It almost makes you a foot bigger because you are so proud of putting it together and wearing it. 


Skirt – H&M old (similar here)
Belt – H&M very old (similar here)
Shirt – H&M sold out (similar here)
Boots – Mark Adam
Bag – David Jones sold out (similar here)
So lets talk about the last couple days or weeks. Temperatures dropped really low so it got very cold very fast. There were I few outdoor things I was on planning to do but if the temperatures won´t get up again we have to do it next year. The house is getting more ready from day to day. There are only little things left to do but they take a lot of time upfront for preparing and so on… As I had been learning for my last three exams the last three weeks we did not do so many things but now I can go on with decorating for fall and preparing for christmas. I have sooo many ideas. Keep reading guys. Christmas is gonna be awesome this year 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. 
Take care. See you. Love K.

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