Happy Birthday to me today,
yes it is my birthdy today. I am turning 29. I have never believed people when they said the last year before turning 30 feels hectic and pressured because you still want/have to accomplish so much until a new decade starts and I have to admit, I am not scared but it kind of feels weird though. Like every birthday or every special ocassion we are having dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant, Tiziano in Regensburg. It is small and cozy and the food is beyond delicious.
So for this special ocassion today I am sharing 29 things I love, products I use, some personal stuff, favorite accessories and overall things to get to know me a little more (have a look at the last years birthday posts 27/28).
1 // Favorite lip combo ever: Maybelline Dark Rosewood lipstick and MAC Soar lipstick
2 // Favorite beauty tool: T3 Whirl Trio
3 // Best primer: NYX #nofilter (awesome quality, low price)
4 // Worst faux pass: super bushy eyebrows while I was in secondary school and blonde highlights on black hair which made me look like a zebra
5 // Favorite beauty blogger: Holly Ann Aeree and Carli Bybel
6 // Two beauty items I would never give up: lipstick and mascara
7 // Favorite shops for beauty items: Sephora, Flaconi, Douglas
8 // Favorite hand bag brands: Coach, Michael Kors, Tory Burch
9 // Favorite shop for office clothes: H&M
10 // Favorite color: red
11 // If its possible I´d rather wear dresses and skirts (not such a fan of pants).
12 // The worst piece of fashion ever (for me): fanny packs!
13 // Favorite season to dress for: Definitely fall
14 // My fashion idol from when I was younger: Fran Fine from The Nanny
15 // Worst fashion decision ever: turquoise jeans
16 // Favorite movie: The Devil wears Prada
17 // Favorite singer: Taylor Swift
18 // Favorite book ever: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban (read it 18 times)
19 // Best memory ever: Our wedding last year
20 // Favorite show ever: Modern Family and Gossip Girl
21 // Favorite Blogger of all time: Rachel Parcell from Pink Peonies, Sydney Carver from Summer Wind and Alexandra Weichert from Teggy French
22 // Favorite Quote: Getting angry doesn´t solve anything (I try to live by that but it doesn´t always work) and There can´t be too much glitter.
23 //Favorite drink hot and cold: coffee and champagne and diet coke
24 // Most annoying things for me: making phone calls, standing in line, certain noises (like the key tone of mobiles/snorring, know-it-alls, getting my hair wet.
25 // Places we are visiting this year: Hamburg and Lake Garda (again)
26 // Most impressive city I have ever been to: New York City
27 // Most charming city I have ever visited: Amsterdam
28 // Places on my travel bucket list: Paris, Scottland, Miami
29 // Most expensive city I have ever been too: Copenhagen
That´s it. Be sure to check back tomorrow for another Wedding Wednesday post. It is all about my wedding dress.
Thanks for stopping by.