11 Family Christmas Traditions to start this year…


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We are in the thickness of holiday preparations and checking off our to-do list so it can get a little lost to hold on to all the fun things Christmas and family related. Since we had kids we started to incorporate little things into our Christmas time to just slow down and enjoy our down time as a family together.

Family Christmas Traditions

Elf on the Shelf

I know people have a love / hate relationship with this but to be honest I have loved it this year. I got many many ideas from Pinterest and we had a naughty elf this year. It does not take much, you do not need to buy the fancy kits which are everywhere these days. There are thousands of elf on the shelf ideas you can use immediately like the snow angel made of flour or the sprinkles in the sink or he toilet paper roll swing. These are all things you have at home and are for free.

Decorate Gingerbread Houses 

We did this last weekend and it was super fun. I got a premade kit cause I just don´t have the time and nerve to bake the house parts. Make sure to get good sweets and make the royal icing yourself. I have also glued the house together cause we do not eat it. 

Bake Sugar Cookies

This is self explaining right !!!

Family Christmas PJ´s 

We order ours from PatPat every year and I love our family pajama collection. Brings back so many memories every year. 

Choose their own wrapping paper for Christmas gifts

A new tradition I might add. I let the girl´s pick out their wrapping paper and then give it to the „elves“ so they can wrap their presents in said chosen wrapping paper and the girl´s can recognize it straight away.

Visit Christmas markets

This has definitely been a favorite of mine. I just love the Christmas market foods and all the scents and lights everywhere. We did not visit as many as I planned due to a lot of sickness but we still managed to see a few new ones. 

Pick out a new ornament for the girl´s keepsake boxes

This is a very long term tradition I have started recently. I got one ornament for each of their lifes. One thing they have loved that particular year. This year for example it is a cat for the little one and a Nutcracker for my big girl cause she visited the ballett for the first time and loved it so much. Going to put them in their keepsake boxes.

Writting a wish list

I am writing the wishlist for Emilia and she decorates it with stickers and signs it at the bottom, then we bring it outside in the evenings, so the elves can collect it and look if it´s gone the next morning. I just love her anticipation and excitement in all things Christmas. 

Open the advent calendar

We started this tradition last year with Emilia cause she was finally old enough to understand a little how it works. We have a wooden one to fill by yourself. I fill it with little crafty things or little toys cause we get so much chocolate gifted. This year the  girls share one and next year I am probably gonna get a second one. Helps them visualize how many days are left until Christmas.

Read a different Christmas book / story every day

We have so many different Christmas books for different ages and the girl´s love to look at all the books and listen to the stories. I really enjoy story time in the evenings a lot. It is so nice to read to Emilia and see how concentrated and excited she is. I get a few new ones every year. 

Send out Christmas cards

We have already done this before kids but it is even better now cause who wouldn´t love to receive a Christmas card with pictures of sweet little matching sisters.
