Happy Humpday,
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can you believe Christmas is only two weeks away?! This was quite the bummer to realize that the Christmas time is over in two weeks. Our calendar has been full last year and now there are just a handful of appointments in there mostly the non fun ones like the dentist.
Anyways how cute is our little baby girl in her adorable teddy suit. I got this a while back but it always has been too warm for her to wear but now is the perfect time.
She was smiling all the time when we took the pictures. It was so much fun for her getting animated by my husband behind the camera.
My favorite places to shop for baby clothes is H&M still. They just have the cutest pieces and they fit her the best. Another place I love to look at is C&A as well as PatPat. We get a lot of handmedown from a collegue of my mom which are always Petit Bateau (a French brand). They are super chic but oh so small. I can dress her in two bigger sizes than she is actually wearing.
I am going to share some of our Christmas looks the next days/weeks so stay tuned and follow on Instagram.
For size reference, Emilia is wearing size 80 now and she is 7 and a half months.
If you are still looking for Christmas gifts check back tomorrow. I am going to share some great ideas for the Binge Watcher.