Having a baby totally changes your feeling for time. It definitely goes by super fast and some days come to an end and I couldn´t tell you what we even did. Maybe that is why my sweet little newborn isn´t a newborn anymore. She is eight months now (and 14 days) and couldn´t be any cuter. I definitely want to eat her up most of the time. I absolutely forgot to post about her 7 months update so this will be a mixed one.
She is super smiley not only with us but also with other people. She recently started to sit up and has become very good at sitting for longer periods in a short amount of time. She can also sit up by herself when she likes to.
One thing we got really surprised about is that she started crawling last week. I gave up the thought about her crawling some time ago and was even more happy that she actually crawls now. Emilia is really fast now and makes the cutest sounds while doing so. I just love to watch her.
Standing up has been her second great achivement for the last few weeks. She pulls up very nicely by kneeling and then standing up. Totally perfected that technique.
Still doesn´t want to eat any solids. We have tried a ton of different foods and some are more in her favor than others but overall Emilia doesn´t eat enough to cut back milk now, so milk it still is.
We are currently having four teeths and I am so happy that they are through now cause she sleeps a lot better than some weeks ago.
I can´t wait for Christmas Eve to come to see her with all the lights and family and her presents. I always loved Christmas but it is definitely better with a child. A thousand times at least.
By the way, the sweater is from H&M but I couldn´t find it online.