Emilia´s 4 Months Update…

baby girl, baby fashion, leopard print, 4 month update

baby girl, baby fashion, leopard print, 4 month update

baby girl, baby fashion, leopard print, 4 month update

baby girl, baby fashion, leopard print, 4 month update


Happy Hump Day you guys,

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I can´t believe my little girl has turned four months last week. How is this even possible, I remember it like yesterday when we went home from the hospital in that teddybear suit that was way to big on her.

4 months update

So what happened since our last update. She is still grabbing things but now she wants to have everything that comes in her way.

Last week was the first time that she turned from her back to her tummy all by herself. I was so proud. She started with a few times a day and now she does it all day long. But she can´t turn back from that position so when her strength goes away she mumbles into the blanket until I turn her around. 

I have created a little corner for her in front of our sofa since she turns all the time and it is not safe anymore for her on there. I think she likes it pretty much cause she plays by herself for a really long time with all her cute toys and stuffed animals.

Her hair started to come in fast these days and she is going to be a blonide like her mom. I can´t wait till I can make cute hairstyles and add bows to her hair.

She has grown big. She was at the 97% of weight and size at our last doctors appointment but I always thought she would get a big baby because everyone in my husbands family is tall. Emilia has outgrown her size 62 clothes and most of her size 68 clothes. 

Emilia still is the most smiley and cute baby I have seen in a while. She follows everybody around with her eyes and is mesmerized by our dog. 

We see tiny new things she does everyday and it has been such a great stage she is in. Can´t wait what to see what comes next.

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