Hi guys
todays recipe is about a drink I am looking Forward the whole year until it is time for it……
I am so loving it so lets see how your are preparing for it…..
4 Cups of milk (one litre)
2 vanilla beans
2 cinnamon sticks
12 egg yolks
200 gr sugar
4 Cups of cream (1 litre)
and of course: rum
Put the milk, the vanilla and the cinnamon sticks into a pot and start to heat it up for some minutes.
Put the egg yolks and the sugar into a different bowl. Put the milk into this bowl – very slowly – be carefull with the egg.
Put the whole mixture back into the pot. Important : It should not cook. Otherwise you have to start over again.
Leave it there until the consistency gets thicker and then put as much rum into it as you like.
I serve it hot.
And know we are coming to my favorite part. The best Christmas movie is National Lampoos Christmas vacation with the griswold Family. I have been watching this movie over and over again and I am still loving it.
They are using Special glasses in the shape of a moose for their egg nog – and guess what – you can get them on Amazon.
I think they are super cute and they may also make a great gift as well.