Modern Western Style…

skirt NKD / earrings SheIn / headband H&M / boots amazon / cardigan SheIn / handbag Katie Loxton / scarf H&M / knit shirt Takko 


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I call this look modern rodeo style and I would definitely wear it to one if I was in Texas or someplace else a super cool rodeo took place. 

The color combination of green and brown turned out amazing. The chocolate brown totally makes the green pop. I would totally wear this to work as well. I definitely looks chic but and I would also call it office appropriate – maybe just swap out the shoes. 

The accessories have the upper hand here in this outfit. A headband, scarf and shiny heart shaped statement earrings – why not ?! Also how cool are cowboy boots!!! I have had mine for years and can´t get over the fact how cool they make me look 😉 


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