My birthday spent in Vienna – Austria – Day 1 – what to see and where to eat…..

(St. Stephan´s cathedral)

(Graben – shopping street)
(Hofburg from the outside)

(Hofburg from the inside – the coffee was on the right side here)

(Natural History museum of Vienna)

(view my travel outfit from the second picutre in this post)


Hi guys and happy Saturday,

you might have noticed from my Instagram that we have been to Vienna this week for my birthday.

I had been there a few years ago and forgot a lot and Florian has never been in this city so we thought it would be nice to get away for a few days after the Christmas stress.

It is about 4 hours away from our home so we where there pretty quick. The weather hasn´t been any other than in our hometown so we packed lots of sweaters and boots.

After arriving at our hotel – we stayed at the Leonardo Hotel in the west of the city – we went into the old city right away. They have a great underground system pretty easy to adjust and I would really recommend buying a two or three day ticket cause you can get close to all the sights in a short amount of time.

The first thing we went to see (arrived on Sunday so all the shops where closed) was St. Stephen´s cathedral (was built in 1365). A huge cathedral in the middle a huge place where all off the shopping streets meet.

We also had been inside and it was even bigger. This is always so impressive to me how people where able to build such high and huge buildings many centuries back. I also love the colorful glass windows the old cathedrales have.

Our next stop was the Hofburg. The hofburg is a former imperial palace where the famous „Sissi“ lived. It was built around 1300. The area of it was huge. There where several other buildings like the riding school and big arcs where the carriages could drive thru. Nowadays there are also two museums located and two buildings for the parliament. 

Vienna also has its own museums quarter but there wasn´t time to visit and we aren´t huge museum people.

After drinking a hot chocolate at the Hofburg café – cause it had been so cold after wandering around for hours – we went back to the hotel to shower, get changed and go out for dinner (coffee is around 5 Euro at the Hofburg so don´t be surprised).

We searched the internet for some restaurants to eat but here where just too many so we enclosed our search by restaurants in a walking distance from our hotel and we found an Indian restaurant. Since it was Sunday at that is our choice of food for Sundays we went there right away. The restaurant is called Rani and the food was delicious – in fact we wanted to go there every day. I ate the Murgh á la Rani which has been chicken with a savory sauce and a Naan which is the flatbread and Florian ate the Ghost Madras which has been beef in a spicy sauce with onions and pepper and he also ordered some Indian rice as a side dish. We had some red wine and just enjoyed our evening – haven´t been on a date night for such a long time with all the festivities going on lately.

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