4 Tips on how to get better and glowing skin…

Hi dolls,
today I am talking about my personal 4 tips for better skin. I never had super fine skin without any pores or without any breakouts whether now or back in my teenager years but I found some things which work for me and which I am constantly practicing or using.
In my opinion this is all about trial and error. You have to test different things until you find something that is working for yourself. There are millions of products and advices out there but everyone is different and so is everyone´s skin type.
So here are the four things I am constantly using/practicing for better skin that is glowing from the inside out (off course it is no shame to use blush and highlighters at all).
Heute habe ich 4 Tipps für euch für bessere Haut, die für mich persönlich gut funktionieren. Ich hatte nie super einheitliche Haut ohne Poren oder ohne Pickel. Egal ob jetzt oder zurück als Teenager, aber mittlerweile weiß ich mir selbst zu helfen. Meiner Meinung nach geht läuft das hier nur über Erfolg und Misserfolg. Ihr müsst unterschiedliche Sachen ausprobieren und schauen was für euch selbst am besten funktioniert. Es gibt hunderte von Produkten oder Artikeln mit Ratschlägen, aber jeder Hauttyp ist verschieden und nicht alle Produkte oder Ratschläge helfen jedem gleich gut oder überhaupt.
Hier habe ich heute 4 Dinge für euch die ich ständig nehme/praktiziere um bessere Haut zu bekommen und zu behalten und um diesem gesunden Glow hinzukiregen (natürlich ist es auch keine Schande mit etwas Rouge oder Highlighter nachzuhelfen).

#1 Biotin
You might have seen in an earlier post that I recommend to take a daily dose of biotin for your skin/hair/nails. I am still doing this (changed the brand cause I wanted a higher dose) with a mix of other vitamins and  additives.
Ich habe Biotin in einem früheren Post schon erwähnt, mittlerweile habe ich eine upgedatete Version mit einer höheren Dosis und zusätzlichen Inhaltsstoffen für Harre / Haut / Nägel.

#2 Cutting out dairy products
I have to admit this was one of the hardest thing for me to cut out milk. And it isn´t just milk, it is cheese and yoghurt and all kinds of foods. But now I am taking soy milk for my coffee and my cereals (wasn´t hard for me at all because I like the taste) and I only eat cheese when we at a restaurant. I must admit it works for me. After I read an article about this I thought “why not give it a try” at least I had nothing to loose and I figured after a few weeks it did get better indeed. So I am sticking to this.
 Milchprodukte weglassen
Das war bei Weitem das schwierigste – es geht ja nicht nur um Milch alleine, es betrifft Käse und Joghurt und alle möglichen Lebenmittel – normale Milch mit Sojamilch zu ersetzen. Aber mittlerweile habe ich mich daran gewöhnt. Ich nehme Sojamilch für meinen Kaffee und mein Müsli – Gott sei Dank mag ich den Geschmack – und ich muss sagen ich kann eine Besserung erkennen. Ich hab das zuerst in einem Artikel in einem Magazin gelesen und dachte “Was kann schon schief gehen?” und zu verlieren war ja nichts. Dabei werde ich auch solange wie möglich bleiben. 

#3 Lemon flavored water
For some extra Vitamin C I add some lemon juice (you can buy that concetrated at every grocery store) to my water. Not only that it upgrades the taste it helps your skin glow from the inside out.
Zitronensaft für mehr Vitamin C
Für etwas mehr Vitamin C gebe ich einen Schuss Zitronensaft in mein Wasser (ein Schuss reicht wirklich aus, weil das sonst ziemlich sauer ist). Zitronensaft kaufe ich bei uns als Kontentrat in der Drogerie gibts aber auch im Supermarkt. Es macht nicht nur ein erfrischendes Getränk aus Wasser es gibt einem auch einen schönen Glow und eine gesunde Gesichtfarbe von innen nach außen

#4 Change your make-up sponges and cushion cover regularly
This is probably one of the most important things because by using these products longer than max. 2 weeks they start to get bacteries and if you get those onto your skin they can cause massive breakouts. So it is easy pretty to prevent this. 
Make-Up Schwämme und Kissenbezüge austauschen
Das ist womöglich wirklich eines der wichtigsten Dinge die man leicht mal vergessen kann. Bakterien sammeln sich in den benutzten Make-up Schämmen oder Kissenbezügen, die auf die Haut geraten und Entzündungen hervorrufen. Also am besten jede Woche oder alle zwei Wochen mal austauschen. 

 And of course there would be a few other things like drinking enough water throughout the day, eating healthy, doing a clearing face mask twice a week and always remove your make-up before going to bed……
 Und natürlich gibt es da noch zusätzliche Dinge wie viel Wasser trinken in Laufe des Tages, gesund essen, klärende Gesichtsmasken mindestens zweimal die Woche anweden und immer abschminken vor dem zu Bett gehen……

You really gotta find out what works best for yourself. Maybe there are some other things you know so feel free to tell me.

Thanks for stopping by.

Take care. See you.


Staying at home….

Hi dolls,

 during the years and getting older (I am not old now but I am also getting older too) I beacame such a homebody. If you would have asked me a few years ago I never would have prefered spending a Saturday or Sunday at home than going somewhere day and night but I think that time has mostly passed. I like going out for dinner or at birthday parties and motto parties but I like to be at home at midnight and not until 4 in the morning. 

I like it cozy on Saturdays. Making a big breakfast for us. Enjoying my coffee while reading the newspaper, my beloved Instyle magazine or browsing through different blogs on the internet. Also a few years ago I would go to the mall, to lunch and to coffee on one day which means stress to me now – rushing from one apointment to another.  
I can clearly say I enjoy my time at home more now than some years ago and especially since we moved into the house and we are ready now with the furnishing. 
Here are some of my favorite cozy things I like to use and to wear staying at home.

Blanket – bonprix / Pullover – H&M  / Socks – H&M
Thanks for stopping by.
Take care. See you.


A Pet – a friend for lifetime….

Hi guys,
this post is dedicated to the Furry ones in our lives. Our best friends which are honestly faithful and standing by our side no matter what happens. 

Our dogs !!!

Maybe you know that I own a Jack Russel Terrier named Chloe. She is a little over two and a half years now and she is the most incredible dog I could have ever asked for.

She has such a good soul. She likes everyone who is coming to our house – even the mailman, but maybe she knows that he is delivering her toys and treats – and wants to play all the time. 
She loves running and hunting after birds – altough she should know that she is never gonna catch one – and swimming and splashing through the water. Also rolling through mud sometimes. ^^
Mostly we can´t get mad at her because she is too cute. She is starring at you with those big brown eyes and you just want to hug and cuddle her even if she has done something wrong (not good I know).
There is a dog basket beside my bed where she is sleeping but throughout the Winter months she is sneeking into our bed and lying under the warm thick blankets to our feet. 

So of course we are spoiling her with lots of treats and toys. So here is a closer look to our latest purchase of course together with Chloe.

Dog bowl – Hunter
Crocodile – Hunter
Snacks – Perrito
Leche and collar in Red – Wolters Cats and Dogs

Thanks for stopping by.

Take care. See you. Love K.


Monthly favorites January….

Hi dolls,
today is the last day of the first month this year and I have to admit I got some stuff done I wanted do to for a long time so I am pretty proud of myself, I also had my birthday celebrations as I turned older in the middle of the month and we already booked one vacation for this year. And of course there are some products which turned out to be my favorites this January:
Rituals The Ritual of Sakura Set
I got this as a present from Florians mom for hosting the Christmas dinner and I haven´t had a chance to try it out since then and I have to admit – this is awesome. The main indgridients are rice milk and cherry blossoms.

EOS Hand Lotion
Normally I am using a Neutrogena hand lotion in Winter but for about two weeks our local drug store carries this brand and I had to had this lotion. It is fresh flowers and the smell is so good. It is so intensive and I just love every scent which comes with it.

Armani Jeans Hand bag
Got this as a pre-birthday present from Florian and I just love it. The color, the size, the shape – everything about it is perfect.

Black marble calendar
I found this one by coincidence while I was looking at some pics on Instagram and this one has catched my eye so I went on their page and ordered one. That´s the whole magic. It is pretty nice with lots of space to write in. The Website is called planyourlife.de

Real Techniques Brush Set
I had my eye on this for a long time and I finally got it for my birthday (and also got a voucher for my birthday for my favorite beauty store – Douglas). I love the design it is a classic black and white design with a modern twist. The hairs are so soft and great for appealing make-up
This is the Berlin trend Edition.

Flower necklace
I got this super cute necklace from the H&M Winter sale. This would make a great piece for Spring. And after Christmas I am so in love with everything pink now. And this was a steal for only 5 Euros. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Take care. See you. 
