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Hi guys,
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usually most people are on vacation during the summer months. Flying to culturel places or laying down by the sea but this is not granted or always possible. Many people can´t go on vacation maybe they won´t get this much time off or there isn´t enough money left for a trip.
So today I am sharing my 5 tips on getting as much summer feeling as possible without laying by the sea at Cabo San Lucas.
1. Wear your summer clothes wherever you go – whether it is to the grocery store, the city or to any kind of appointment. It gives you a different feel when you are wearing a flattering and airy and bright colored summerdress.
2. Get a deckchair and a palmtree for your patio or your balcony and go outside as much as possible. Laying in there with a drink and a straw hat in the sun completely changes your mood.
3. Decorate your home for summer. There are so many cute options with palm prints or flamingo prints. You can read my post about it here.
4. Choose your summer drink. There are new creations every year and at the end of trying there is always one which tastes best. I made this rosé wine with russian wild berry lemonade and raspberries my winner. It is an old recipe from Monika Hibbs´s blog. I just love her creations.
5. Get some cute summer pieces for your wardrobe. I recently ordered this straw hat which says „chasing the sun….“ from ASOS and this palm print bikini from SheIn. These are perfect pieces for you Summer atmosphere and really affordable.