Fall Festivities at Home with my favorite candles….

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues

autumn, fall, fall candles, fall festivities, cozy at home, loungewear, fall decoration, orange for fall, cozy for fall, autumn hues



Hello friends,

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since Fall is finally here I started decorating inside and of course ordered myself some Fall candles. Candles always get me in the right mood for any season. And since my favorite season is Fall the most of my candles smell like pumpkin – also my favortie scent.

I light another candle every night and love that my whole house smells like Fall then. 

Staying at home on a  cool and misty Fall day and cuddling up on the sofa with some comfortable loungewear, a great book and an awesome smelling pumpkin candle is THE dream every time Fall rolls around.

Most of  my candles are from Village or Yankee Candle or Bath & Body Works and I get them over Candle-Dream or the Yankee Candle site. 

These are the candles I got for this years Fall decoration: 

Leaves, Thankful and Pumpkin Patch from Bath & Body Works

Pumpkin Tweed from Village Candle

Another thing I love are the candle melts. I got several different autumn scents. Autumn Pearl, Vibrant Saffran and Autumn Glow from Yankee Cankle and Cozy Home from Goose Greek Candle.


5 simple tasks to make your Monday mornings more bearable…

monday´s, monday morning, week planning, planning, plan ahead, trying to like monday´s, staying ahead of mondays

monday´s, monday morning, week planning, planning, plan ahead, trying to like monday´s, staying ahead of mondays

Happy Monday morning y´all,
it´s Monday morning, your alam clock is going viral, you are tired as hell and your bones feel heavier than ever. There is still a lot to do until you can get ready for work and leave the house and honestly you really don´t feel like queen of the day. I got you girl. Waking up and looking like in the picutres above probably only happens once in a lifetime or on a well rested vacation. but I can help here.
I know most of us hate Mondays and that is just natural, cause the first day after the weekend is always the most dreaded one. If it was Tuesday we all would hate Tuesday. There are just a few people I know who seem to like the first day of the week or make it seem like they do.
And guess what ? We can be one of them too. I am sharing five simple tasks you can complete before the new week, to somewhat look forward to it.

#1 Clean up your kitchen on Sunday night

This might be kind of random but believe me, the feel of a clean and tidy kitchen is unbeatable. You can spare yourself the upcoming stress of entering your kitchen in the morning and finding a huge mess you need to clean up after work which already puts you in a bad mood. Do yourself a favor and take care of that the night before.

#2 Make a nice appointment

Book yourself a beauty treatment or go to a sports class you like or even make your own beauty night at home on Monday. Just schedule something  nice you are looking forward too and the first day of the week will go by way faster. Believe me. I always have my line dance class on Monday and I love it, so there is at least one thing on Mondays I really like and go right after work. This leaves a positive feedback of the day on your mind.

#3 Work off everything on the day before going into the weekend

I know this is not possible all of the time but at least try to get rid of the tasks you´ve been avoiding all week.

Preparation is key…

#4 Lay out your clothes the night before

If you are anything like me you will need to do that. I am in no way a morning person and I can´t decide on anything in the mornings and also have no kind of creativity or whatsoever. I really can not find something to wear. I would stand in front of my closet and stand and stand and wouldn´t find a single thing to wear. This is why I am preparing my outfit the night before includig everything that goes with it from underwear to jewelry. I have been doing this for years (for every day) and it saves me a huge amount of time.

#5 Meal prep 

That´s a easy one but often forgotten in all the hurry of the days. If you are cooking regularly this is for you. I like to eat the leftovers of dinner for next days lunch so I am always making a little more than we need. Also if you prefer cold dinner you can easily prep salad bowls for 3 days in advance. We don´t have a cafeteria at work or anything to get food in under 20 minutes nearby so I would have to take food with me anyways and to make sure I like and eat it I change the meals I am prepping weekly.

Have you ever tried any of these tipps ? I am constantly trying to improve myself to start fresh and looking forward into the new week. It is so hard for me as I am so not a morning person but I have the feeling the stricter I am the better it gets.

Do you have any other tipps please feel free to share in the comments.

As always thanks for stopping by. Take care. See you.


How to find affordable art for your home…

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon

affordable art, home decor, house, at home, affordable decoration, decoration, decorate your home, pictures, esty, Ikea, amazon


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It has been over three years now since we moved into our house and I have to admit we are near crossing the finishing line (yes, it took me this long) on remodelling and decorating and furnishing. I re-did room after room and it took me a while to find out what I wanted for each of the rooms. The house was ready as we moved in but we didn´t like all of the wall colors so we first had to paint and then move on with decorative bricks or wallpaper or art.

Art itself is a difficult theme to talk about cause it somehow is like style. You see pictures or paintings you will like and a lot you will dislike. What your friends think looks amazing might creep you out and vice versa. And another huge factor in terms of art is the price. If you want to have an original hand painted piece it can cost you up to thousands of Euros (or even more) and who can or wants to spend so much money?! I am sharing an affordable way on how to decorate your walls with pieces you love for an affordable price. All you have to do is find what you like and be a little creative.

Places to look for art

Ikea // Let´s start with the easiest place and that would be Ikea for me. Simply because you walk in and choose what you like and leave. Most of their pieces are already framed or canvases but they also have different kind of pictures without a frame and a huge section with all shapes and color of frames so you can get creative on your own. I got my Jamea Dean and Audrey Hepburn cavases from Ikea and love them a lot. They are a classic piece in color and print and will match everywhere around the house.

Amazon // Another place to look for prints, pictures, paintings is amazon. I got my “Prada Marfa” canvas from amazon and I absolutely love it. It is hanging above my makeup table and totally completes my little beauty corner. 

Etsy // And last but definitely not boring and with the most choices – the Etsy market place. I love to browse all of their downloadable pictures cause so I get them right away and can decide which kind of frame and size I like. It is the perfect way to customize your picture.

What kind of art do you prefer in your home? Does it have to be rare and exclusive or do you combine personal photos with modern prints.

As always thanks for stopping by. Take care. See you.

