My top 8 summer beauty must haves….


Happy (finally) Friday guys,

if you had the view I am having today you would also think that this post is a little ironic (at least for today). It is raining cats and dogs and it only has 12 degrees so there is nothing about summer and hot days in the middle of August today.

But since we are still in the middle of summer (at least on the calendar) I am sharing my top 8 beauty prodcuts with you today. 

 Beauty products are differing from season to season as the climate and the temperatures change, so your skin and your body has different needs. I have rounded up all items I am currently using.

1. EOS – lipbalm with spf – grapefruit
I have been loving those little round lip balms since I saw them the first time in the US back in 2010. Ever since I have been using them all the time. You will always find one in my bathroom, at my night stand or in my handbag. They have new scents for their summer editions every year and I really like that they include SPF.

2. 4711 – fragranced towelettes 
This is one of my favorite scents for summer. It is such a fresh and light scent. This one is an all time classic and my mom used it when she was a teenager so this brand existst for a really long time now. They also have new summer editions for their perfumes every year. This year I got the towelettes. A package contains 16 pieces and I am using them on the go for a perfume touch up or just for a quick refreshment.

3. Treaclemoon – shower gel these lemonade days
Especially in summer I love the light and fruity shower 

4. Yves Rocher – shower gel grapefruit from Florida

5. Escada – perfume „Fiesta Carioca“
The first perfume I have ever owned was from Escada. It was called „Island Kiss“ and I loved it. Sadly it was only for one season but they brought it out again a few years later so I stocked up on this but I am also testing the new one every year and I think they smell pretty similar which make them almost all a pretty hit. 

6. Yves Rocher –  Monoi de Tahiti –  shimmering body oil
I would call this my staple body oil for. I have been using and purchasing this for the 3rd year now and I still love it. Especially for vacation. It just has the right amount of glow and sparkle for tan skin. And the smell is oh so good.

7. Manhattan – pink lipstick color – fun fuchsia
You at least have to have one neon lipstick for summer whether it is a bold pink or orange or a vibrant red tone.

8. Korres –  red vine sun protection spray for hair 
I had been searching through a lot of local drug store for a sun protection spray for my hair but I was really disapointed that I only found one and the smell was just disgusting. So I went online and got this spray from Korres. You can use it right after washing your hair but also when it is dry. It is developed in Greece so it might be perfect for Germany cause we don´t have as much sun as they do over there. Haven´t used it only a few times since I got it so I might do a full review in my next favorites. 
(this product isn´t in the picutres cause it arrived a few days after shooting)

Yankee Candle – summer peach

As I am a candle hoarder and looking for new scents every season it is no surprise that I had to try out this summer scent. And peaches are one of the less fruit I really like.


Beauty and Make-up products – the latest….


Hi guys,
 (post contains affiliate links/Werbung/Markennennung/Beitrag enthält Affilate Links-not sponsored)

I am always curious for new beauty products or trying out existant brands I haven´t used before.
So these are some I had tried out lately. I wanted to write about them in my monthly favorites post but this would have been way to much and the post would have been way to long. 

Watch is from Michael Kors (no longer available in this size – similar here)

You all know how much I love lipsticks and of course I had to try out these ones from Manhattan as they came out – the moisture renew lipstick line. First they had just a few colors but not they offer one for every taste. These are no matte lipsticks they have kind of a glossy finish which I also like from time to time. After getting all the matte products it is nice that you can switch if you like. 
The two colors I have choose are in the pink/berry tones. 
The left one is 900 Crystal Berry and the rigth one is 940 Glam Plum.

Another product I tried out is the L´oréal Paris Skin Perfection face creme. I am always or let me say still on the hunt for the perfect face creme for me. There had been many I tried from AOK to Garnier to Bebe to Neutrogena and the list goes on and on. I have a mixed skin type which means I need mattifying for my nose and chin but at the same time I need lots of hydration cause my skin gets dry very quickly. Not easy. I used this one for about 6 weeks now and I am satisfied with the product. It is a day and night creme in one and for about 12 Euro it is totally fine.

This might be my favorite oil of all time. Let me start from the beginning. I had neurodermatitis when I was a child – really bad in fact – and there are still some dry areas on my body (two on my arms, one on my foot and another one on my neck. From time to time (and I still don´t know the cause for sure) they start to grow and get really really dry and from scratching they become even worse. So I bougth BI-OIL to give it a try. If it can prevent stretch marks in pregnancy maybe it could help my with my skin problems too and it works. It is so so good. It moves into your skin really quick and is not sticky at all. The smell is so good. They offer two sizes. I have the smaller one but I definitely get the bigger bottle when I repurchase it. I hope they never stop producing this product.

These two are just for fun and for the love of pink. And there is a huge love. As I like anything pink and polka dots I had to have those two and I needed a new lash curler anyway. It is from the brand (ebelin) our drug store carries but here are similar ones. The twezzer is from essence (similar here also cute) and it isn´t anything brand new or world changing – I just liked the design and the price point.

I wanted to try this one cause I have been using the egg shaped lipbalm from EOS for years now. It is the sweet mint flavor and it is totally matching with the egg balm but I also like this one. The shape is more praticle for carrying in a small handbag. It isn´t as big as the usual balms.

Blush Berry from the Maybelline Color Show series is my favorite nail polish at the moment. I have also written a whole post about this hues here. I think their polishes are totally fine for 3 Euro. The color is drying really quick and it is high pigmented so you only have to use one layer. 

As always thanks for stopping by. 

Take care. See you. 


Rosewood – my go-to color for make-up products….


Hi guys,

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the Easter celebrations are almost over (we are heading to one last brunch today – gonna be the third one in three days) and we had lots of family time and good food – a lot of good food. Today we are heading to Florians grandma and in the afternoon we have a little spare time. I have to clean up and maybe I am finding a few of the easter eggs which aren´t found. We headed to a great new Sushi place on Saturday. It was beyond delicious. We have to go back to work on Tuesay – unfortunately. Another 10 weeks to go until we are heading to our next vacation.

But let´s talk about some pink stuff.

Don´t we all have our favorite colors for beauty products whether it is super trendy at the moment or not ? I think so. 
My go to color for blush and lipstick had always been a deeper rose shadow. Nower days it is called Rosewood and I am really glad that this color got into fashion so there is a bigger range on products in this color from different brands.

Die Osterfeierlichkeiten sind fast schon wieder vorbei (heute fahren wir zum Dritten und Letzten Osterbrunch) und dabei hatten wir wirklich eine schöne Zeit und viel Spass. Heute Mittag sind wir bei Florians Oma und am Nachmittag haben wir ein bisschen Freizeit. Am Samstag Abend haben wir ein neues Sushi Restaurant in unserer Stadt ausprobiert und es war einfach nur köstlich. Morgen müssen wir schon wieder weiter arbeiten – leider, aber in ca. 10 Wochen fahren wir schon in den Urlaub (is noch ganz schön weit weg aber die Zeit vergeht schnell).

Here are my favorite products in this gorgeous color:

Nail polish:
Maybelline Color Show – Blush berry
Essie – In stitches
essence- English rose

Manhattan – Elegant Violet
essence – berry me up!
Artdeco – Crystal garden blusher

Lip products:
L´oréal Paris Lip Paint / Laquer – Darling pink
Catrice Matt Lip Artist
L´oréal Paris Color Riche – Eva´s delicate rose
essence Lip Liner – Wish me a rose

What color do you prefer for your Make-up?
Take care. See you.


Lipcrayons – my favorites and review….

 (from left to right)
Manhattan Intense Lip Balm – 500 Frappuccino
Kiko Creamy Lipgloss – Color 107 Magenta
Catrice Matt Lip Artist – Barberry Hopping
Lóreal Paris Sexybalm – Bold 201 Wasted
Astor Lipcolor Butter – 025 Cheeky Girl
Hi dolls,
my #1 top beauty products are still lipsticks
and as those exist in various ways and shapes these days I am showing
you some of the lipcrayons I own and a little review about them. There
are some classic shades like red and nude but also some fresh ones for
upcoming Spring now like a poping pink.

These are my top 5. You can see from the swatches that they are pretty high pigmented. Your lips stay hydrated with this products and don´t start to dry out after quite a while. They don´t last the whole day but that is okay (for me) cause in fact they are just tinted lipbalms and there is no problem in putting them up again. In fact you don´t even need a mirror if you are a little trained. The prices range from 5 to 10 Euros per piece so I think they are really worth it if you are looking for a nice alternative for a lipstick. And how cute is the pink one from KIKO for Spring ?!

Which one is your favorite?

Thanks for stopping by.
Take care. See you.