Rosewood – my go-to color for make-up products….


Hi guys,

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the Easter celebrations are almost over (we are heading to one last brunch today – gonna be the third one in three days) and we had lots of family time and good food – a lot of good food. Today we are heading to Florians grandma and in the afternoon we have a little spare time. I have to clean up and maybe I am finding a few of the easter eggs which aren´t found. We headed to a great new Sushi place on Saturday. It was beyond delicious. We have to go back to work on Tuesay – unfortunately. Another 10 weeks to go until we are heading to our next vacation.

But let´s talk about some pink stuff.

Don´t we all have our favorite colors for beauty products whether it is super trendy at the moment or not ? I think so. 
My go to color for blush and lipstick had always been a deeper rose shadow. Nower days it is called Rosewood and I am really glad that this color got into fashion so there is a bigger range on products in this color from different brands.

Die Osterfeierlichkeiten sind fast schon wieder vorbei (heute fahren wir zum Dritten und Letzten Osterbrunch) und dabei hatten wir wirklich eine schöne Zeit und viel Spass. Heute Mittag sind wir bei Florians Oma und am Nachmittag haben wir ein bisschen Freizeit. Am Samstag Abend haben wir ein neues Sushi Restaurant in unserer Stadt ausprobiert und es war einfach nur köstlich. Morgen müssen wir schon wieder weiter arbeiten – leider, aber in ca. 10 Wochen fahren wir schon in den Urlaub (is noch ganz schön weit weg aber die Zeit vergeht schnell).

Here are my favorite products in this gorgeous color:

Nail polish:
Maybelline Color Show – Blush berry
Essie – In stitches
essence- English rose

Manhattan – Elegant Violet
essence – berry me up!
Artdeco – Crystal garden blusher

Lip products:
L´oréal Paris Lip Paint / Laquer – Darling pink
Catrice Matt Lip Artist
L´oréal Paris Color Riche – Eva´s delicate rose
essence Lip Liner – Wish me a rose

What color do you prefer for your Make-up?
Take care. See you.

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