November Favorites….

Hi guys
here are my monthly favorites for November. Lots of them are very christmasy as there are only 3 weeks left.

Christmas Candle
I got two big Christmas candle for my living room which you can see here on a separatte blog post but this is my favorite scent.
Cranberry, nutmeg and cinnamon makes me wanna stick my head in that glas immidiately…

Cuddly Christmas socks from H&M
Look at them. What can I say more ?! 🙂

Furry balls
They got those cute little furry balls to attach to your bag all over the stores since a few months but I think they only fit during the cold month. The are so soft and cozy and can be hung on any bag you like.

I got this showerfoam because it is all about Christmas. The packing, the smell – it is Winterberry and the smell is so great. I always wanted to try this kind of shower item but I wanted to use others up first and I also forgot it lots of times to buy.
Blanket Scarf
What elso can I say more. It is Winter time. This scarf is super soft and warm and in Christmas Colors.

Eos Lipbalms
The eos lipbalms in their Winter clothing. In Vanilla and Winterberry.
Candle – Village Candle
Socks – H&M (similar here)
Furry Ball – H&M

Showerfoam – Drug store
Scarf – H&M
eos lipbalms

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Thanks for stopping by.

Take care. See you. Love K.

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