Black and White Winter Style and the prettiest Herringbone Coat under 30 Euro…

dress H&M / coat SheIn / belt H&M / booties Zalando / tights Müller Drug Store / scarf H&M


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I have had a hard time styling cute looks the last two weeks although I have been trying so hard but January always gets me. I feel uninspired and it´s not like I can find colors I would love to wear out in nature cause everything is dead and dirty. 

But it doesn´t have to be super colorful all the time to look great (I know this coming from me is a really strange thing but hear me out). I have had some cute monochrome outfits lately and also black and white is really stylish.




Weekly Review #3

It was my birthday week this week and we did a few thigns to celebrate my special day but other than that it was pretty much business as usual. 

My birthday was on Monday and we only had some coffee and cake with my family and I went to my line dancing group in the evening. 

On Tuesday we had the worst icy rain and snow I have seen in years. It was not possible to go anywhere. Also the other days have been super duper cold so it was 



To be honest we didn´t do much cooking this week. I can not remember a single thing I have planned to cook last week but we went out for Sushi and we also had a huge pile of french fries while swimming. Indulged in some pretty tasty things and gonna have to make healthier choices next week.




We went swimming on Friday and it was the cutest. The kids always have so much fun splashing around in the water.



My mom colored my hair this week and I have used the new hair color from Garnier. I love the outcome very much and it is super easy to handle and messfree.



Kitchen Organization – Pots, Pans and Junk Drawer….



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Eveyone has it, the most feared drawer in your home- the junk drawer. It is placed mainly in the kitchen, some have another one in their office. We had three in our kitchen and I hated them. Some item was always blocking the drawer so we could almost never open it properly. That get´s the most of me when I need access to get something and am stuck and probably breaking my nail by trying to enter it.

Now this is the past in our household. I conquered the junk drawer and organized the heck out of them, got rid of crap and also ordered little helper from amazon.

Drawer Organization

Pan Organization


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Little storage compartments / pan holder



The Cold Weather Edit – Coats and Jackets to wear now…


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We have had the worst Winter weather the last couple of days and tomorrow even the schools and kindergarten are closed. We are making the most out of it and having a pajyama and hot chocolate day I guess.

I do not like snow but to be honest I love layering and I have a ton of different coats cause I just love a great piece of outerwear that much. To be honest my classic wool coat is my go-to. It just fits with my whole wardrobe. The other coat I have gotten my money´s worth out is the white faux fur coat. It gives serious mob wife vibes and I am here for it.

My Coat Collection

The Classic Wool Coat


The Colorful Coat


The Puffer Coat

The Puffer Vest

The Teddy Coat


The Faux Fur Coat


The Shearling Coat / Jacket



The Plaid Coat
